Sunday 4 December 2011

Innovation in manufacturing traditional quality.
Method Gerns is a World patented ham that provides Superior 'Ham off the bone " flavour and texture qualities.
Edwin Gerns has designed the perfect ham that achieves the modern consumers demand for low fat and low allergen product. Gerns ham off the bone is made without gluten,soy,dairy, flour,treenuts,crustaceans and sesame.
Retailers demand for new, innovative and low allergen smallgoods is also met with Gerns Ham off the bone.
By removing the bone to the exterior of the leg but keeping it close to the meat, the bone cooks faster and permeates the meat with its unique flavouring properties far more strongly then if the bone is left in the center of the leg. Patent No: 2002233022
By deboning the leg before smoking we also remove the large pockets of fat between the leg muscles making a leaner, tastier and healthier product.
The Gerns ham is the perfect ham for retailers as it requires no knife skills as all the hard work is done before the ham gets to the retailer. Once the hock is removed the ham is then cut in half and is ready for slicing, delivering the consumer a full slice of perfect ham off the bone without the waste and fat of traditional full bone in leg. When the bones are removed a notch is clearly evident which is known World Wide as the Gerns Notch : Trade Mark No: 1303081. When the ham is sliced the consumer can see that the ham has been fully cooked from hock to butt.
Gerns ham off the bone has:
: Less salt & more flavour
:Better bite & texture
: An low allergen formulation
:Higher yield and more consumer demand
Patent No: 2002233022
The Gerns Notch:Trade Mark No: 1303081

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